
Legal Notice

1. Company Details

Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane S.L., (hereinafter referred to as O OBRADOIRO), holder of Spanish tax number B15457906, is a limited company with registered address Volteiro 1B, 15650 Cambre (A Coruña, Spain) in the Companies Registry of A Coruña, volume 2012, folio 154, sheet nº C19548.

2. Purpose of this Legal Notice and User Acceptance

This legal notice regulates the access and terms of use of the website, provided to the users by O OBRADOIRO. Browsing through the website or use thereof confers user status upon the relevant party and it implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the terms herein.

3. Terms of Use

The user agrees and accepts to appropriately use the content and services provided in this website, for the purposes in it established, pursuant to the current legislation, to this legal notice and to the applicable good practices, without any damaging intent or purpose against the interests or rights of third parties.

The user may neither cause damage to the services and/or to the information provided nor prevent the normal usage of the website.

Mass email and/or unsolicited email (SPAM) sent to email accounts used in this website is strictly forbidden.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

All intellectual and industrial property rights of this website and its content belong to Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane, S.L.

The user agrees to observe the intellectual and industrial property rights of O OBRADOIRO, and to use this website exclusively for personal and private use.

Its use for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden, as well copying, distributing and/or public dissemination of its content, without explicit authorisation in writing by O OBRADOIRO.
Its unauthorised use may breach the copyright and trademarking laws, intellectual property, privacy and advertising rights, and other legislation in force.

5. Third Party Links

Any links to third party websites will be included with the owners’ authorisation. O OBRADOIRO does not have any control over these and cannot be held accountable for their availability or content.

The inclusion of third party links does not imply O OBRADOIRO’s endorsement.

O OBRADOIRO authorises third party referrals to this website, as long as these are respectful, they quote the source where they have been taken from and meet the current legislation.

6. Disclaimer

This website has been created for information purposes only and it does not replace the official dissemination of rules and regulations.

We will do everything within our power for this information to be precise and up-to-date, but O OBRADOIRO cannot guarantee the lack of errors in its content.

O OBRADOIRO may not be held responsible for any damages incurred as a result of the incorrect use of the tools and information provided on the website, other than any proceedings resulting from enforcement of the law.

7. Amendments to the Website and to the Terms of this Legal Notice

O OBRADOIRO reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any amendments to this website that it may consider appropriate.

The validity of the aforementioned terms of use will be subject to their publication and will remain in force until replaced by any other duly published ones.

It is the user’s responsibility to review this website and this legal notice in order to keep up to date with its content.

8. Personal Data Protection

Personal data processing is bound by the content laid out in the Organic Law 15/1999 and in any other applicable legislation.

Only those details deemed absolutely necessary for the provision of website services will be requested.

These details will be added to the records property of O OBRADOIRO for the provision of its services, invoicing and administrative and commercial management purposes.

All users who provide their personal details may exercise their right to access, correct, amend, cancel and object to the processing of this data pursuant to the current legislation in Volteiro 1B – Cecebre, 15650 Cambre (A Coruña, Spain) or emailing

9. Use of Cookies

O OBRADOIRO may use cookies (files that automatically compile anonymous details for statistical purposes), which are essential for the correct performance and browsing of the website.

Accessing or navigating this site implies accepting their use.

The user may configure his or her browser in order to disable the creation of these files or to issue a warning about it.

10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The relationship between O OBRADOIRO and its customers shall be governed by the Spanish legislation in force and any disagreement that may arise will fall under the ruling of the Courts of law of A Coruña (Spain).