
Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane, National Craft Prize 2013

It happened on last March 25th in the function room of the Ministry of Industry, Education and Tourism in Madrid. This was the eighth year of the National Crafts Prizes.

These prizes, organized by the Spanish Foundation for Innovation in Crafts under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry, Education and Tourism, are official recognition at the highest level of achievements that are generally recognized as being excellent and exemplary in the field of the crafts. They aim to encourage innovation, design and adaptability to the market, boosting the competitiveness of small and medium-sized craft companies.

In the words of Álvaro Seivane, these prizes are a very important stimulus for a sector that strives daily to adapt to the new times from a position of profound respect for traditional craft production, of commitment to our culture and of responsibility for its continuance.

We in the workshop would like to express our gratitude for this recognition of various generations’ persistence in a trade and of the determination to give prestige to a profession and a product rooted in the cultural heart of a country.

We wish to dedicate this prize to our patriarch Xosé Manuel Seivane and to share it with all the world’s bagpipers and all those who carry the gaita and Galicia in their hearts. Many thanks!

31 march 2014