

Throughout their extensive journey, the Seivane family have received a wide array of prizes, tributes and honours.

The most distinctive are detailed as follows:

Prizes and medals awarded to the Seivane family

Alfredo Iglesias Award

Artesanía award to Obradoiro for its career and commitment to Galician culture.
Delivered by Alex Regueiro at the A Mámoa Cultural Association, in Luou, Teo.

Galician Crafts Award for his career to Álvaro Seivane

The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo gave this honorary award to Álvaro Seivane for his outstanding professional and research career in the Galician bagpipe.

XII «Andaina Senlleira» Opinión Award

Granted to Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane for its trajectory.

XVII Prize Ramón Piñeiro «FACER PAÍS»

Award granted to the Seivane family in Láncara, Lugo.

Special Artist Prize «La Zampogna» 2017 to the Seivane family

XXIV Edition of the Festival La Zampogna, Maranola, Formia, Italy.

«Castelao» Medal, Xunta de Galicia

The Galician Autonomous Government awards a Castelao Medal to Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane, that is considered as an emblem of Galicianness, because of its meritorious contribution to Galicia.

National Craft Prize 2013

The most important Spanish prize for crafts, awarded by the Ministry of Industry, Education and Tourism in Madrid.

SERenidade Award

Awarded by the Radio Cadena SER and the president of the government in Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane due to its constantly investigation and innovation of the gaita, the Galician musical instrument by excellence.

Constantino Bellón Gold Bagpipe by the Ferrol Athenaeum

Awarded to Xosé Manuel Seivane Magide as a craftsman and its concern for the family continuity in Galician traditional music.

Recuncho da Palleta

The Program ‘Lume na Palleira’ of the Radio Galega company.

Lucense of The Year

The Lugo’s Radio and Televisión Association

Great Trophy ‘Percebe de Plata’ by the Enxebre Xuntanza do Percebe

To the Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane in merit to their craftwork and promotion of the Galician bagpipe in the world.

Constantino Bellón Gold Bagpipe by the Ferrol Athenaeum

Awarded to Álvaro Seivane for his work and family continuity in the world of the gaita.

Innova National Award

A National Craftswork Innovation Prize to the new web page of the Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane.

‘Gaiteiro de Soutelo’ medal

To Xosé Manuel Seivane

IV Edition of the ‘Antón Fraguas’ prize, by the A Coruña county council

First Prize in the traditional category, awarded for a gaita tuned in C, made from boxwood, carved, finished and ornamented in silver.

‘Luar’ Prize by TVG (The state television channel in Galicia)

To the Seivane family

‘Constantino Bellón’ Golden Gaita by the ‘Ateneo Ferrolán’

To Xosé Manuel Seivane for his significant endeavour

Golden Gaita by the ‘Os Alegres’ Association in Pontevedra

To Xosé Manuel Seivane

Tributes received

Tribute to Xosé Seivane on the centenary of his birth (1921-2021) in Cambre

Tribute to Xosé Seivane on the centenary of his birth (1921-2021) in Ribeira de Piquín

Tribute to Xosé Seivane on the centenary of his birth (1921-2021) in A Pastoriza

Homage to the Seivane family

In the IV Meeting of Traditional Music of Forcarei

Cultural Association “Banda de Gaitas do Concello de Forcarei”

Tribute to Seivane's family

At the Festa da Gaita e Cantos de Taberna, in Arzúa

Festa da Gaita Galega Assotiation

Tribute to Xosé Manuel Seivane Rivas

In the XVII Edition of ‘Encontros da Terra Chá’. Xermolos Cultural Assotiation. Manuel María Foundation. A Pastoriza Town Council.

Tribute to Xosé Manuel Seivane Rivas

Inauguration of the Music House from A Pastoriza. A Pastoriza Town Council.

Tribute to Xosé Manuel Seivane Rivas

Inauguration of a bronce bust at Chao de Pousadoiro. The Association ‘Recunchos’ from Ribeira de Piquín

Tribute to Xosé Manuel Seivane Rivas

The Federation of Galician Cultural Entities in Catalonia.

Tribute to Xosé Seivane

As a distinguished person in the ‘portelian’ environment, awarded at the II Closed Fingering style Ricardo Portela gaita playing contest in Viascón.

‘Homenaxe ó Gaiteiro’ (Tribute to the Bagpiper) for Xosé Manuel Seivane

‘Airiños da Torre’ Cultural Association.

Tribute to the Seivane Family

‘Airiños de Fene’.

Tribute to Xosé Seivane

At the XVIII ‘Xuntanza Mariña’. The ‘A Ría’ Neighbourhood Association, in Perillo

‘Homenaxe ó Gaiteiro’ (Tribute to the Bagpiper)

The ‘A Buxaina’ Association, from Coruxo.

From the ‘dos Muiños’ Association

For helping to defend the artistic heritage of Galicia