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Sac de gemecs from Catalonia in «classic» format made from boxwood

1.840 €

Includes Hard case



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in centimeters

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Wood: Boxwood from Galicia.

Case: Blue velvet, of highest quality.

Blowpipe: The mouthpiece is transferable, with its size being adaptable to the build of each person.

Sound Elements: The bass drone emits the base note of the chanter (C), an octave lower. The baritone drone emits a fifth over the bass drone. The tenor drone emits the base note of the chanter (C), but an octave lower.

Ringed: Six black methacrylate ring caps.

Fol: Gore-Tex®, very ergonomic with its size being adaptable to the build of each person.

Configure your bagpipe

In our store, you have a configurator available to build your own bagpipe by selecting from the options we offer.
