

One of the daily tasks at Obradoiro Seivane is the repair, restoration or tuning of our bagpipes. Due to the long history of our workshop, the Seivane gaitas tell a life story. These instruments, which in some cases were built decades ago, tell the experiences of another era and are a window to the past, with which they connect intangibly from the first note. They surround the bagpiper with their sound, grateful for the affection transmitted over the years, and passed down from grandparents, parents and children. They are instruments that are already part of the family legacy.

It is beautiful to receive them again in our facilities, to give them life again, to heal them, to recover them from their natural wear, and to see them looking as good as the first day, or better if anything, by incorporating the latest technical advances, when it is possible.

Obradoiro artisans, given their extensive experience and manual, artistic and practical skills, develop meticulous work with the utmost care and attention to detail, methodical in their handling, and exquisite in recovering the instrument to its best possible condition.

This is an essential activity in Seivane´s workshop, the preservation of the instrument and its transmission to future generations.