
The lexicon of the gaita

The gaita has a special vocabulary. Often this terminology is unknown to the public. To approach this lexicon, Ben Falado! Emitted on past 2 September in the TVG a recording, with a didactic purpose, where the members of Obradoiro speak of the parts of the gaita.

Ben falado! is a micro space of five minutes a day, devoted to the Galician language, presented by Xesús Ferro Ruibal amd emitted at 15:15. With this great initiative of Xesús Ferro, the Obradoiro de Gaitas Seivane once again intends to spread the Galician musical culture with the pride and responsibility of who is dedicated to the Galician artisanal craft with complete devotion.

The report can be seen on the website of the TVG, by looking the program Ben Falado!

16 september 2010