
The Obradoiro Seivane celebrates the European Crafts Days.

The European Craft Days are an initiative promoted in Spain by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) and its craft promotion area, Fundesarte, in which 23 countries participate, and which in Galicia is coordinated by the Xunta through Artesanía de Galicia.

On this occasion, we had the visit of the Minister of Economy, Industry and Innovation and First Vice-President of the Xunta de Galicia, Mr. Francisco Conde López. He was interested in the latest developments. Conde highlighted the excellence, talent and quality of the workshop, and that the Seivane surname is an internationally recognized brand, which is identified with the innovation and improvement of the instrument from respect for tradition.
He came accompanied by the territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in A Coruña, Mr. Gonzalo Trenor López, the general director of Commerce, Mr. Manuel Heredia Pérez, and the manager of the Foundation of the Galician Center for Crafts and Design, Ms. Elena Fabeiro.

30 march 2023